The Innovation Connector: Home To Mark Slusher’s ‘Endpoint Creative’ Business

Mark Slusher, president of Endpoint Creative is pictured at his video editing suite inside the Innovation Connector. Photo by: Mike Rhodes
Muncie, IN—As you know, the Innovation Connector has been the home to many startup businesses and organizations in the Muncie community.
Mark Slusher’s company, Endpoint Creative, is one of them. The company specializes in digital video production, visual marketing, and high-end live video streaming.
Slusher was born and raised in Delaware County and attended Delta High School. “I like Delaware County,” he said. “There are a lot of great things happening here.” An avid community volunteer, Slusher received the 2010 VIVA award for his volunteer work in emergency management. Slusher has been affiliated with the American Red Cross for over 25 years, doing PR work and video productions. He often travels the country for the American Red Cross during large-scale disasters and relief efforts.
After running his business out of his home for a number of years, Slusher decided he needed to make a change to help grow his business. After some research, Slusher found the Innovation Connector.
“I researched their services and looked at the facility at the Innovation Connector,” he said. “I don’t think you can get better office space with the additional business-enhancing amenities anywhere else. The Innovation Connector was a great fit for my business. I’ve been here 3 years now.”
“There’s always someone at the Innovation Connector to talk to when you need a little encouragement. Ted Baker has always been a great mentor and the other Innovation Connector staff are great to work with and always helpful. I can bring clients here and use the conference rooms. If I need legal assistance, there’s a law firm down the hall and accounting services, too. Plus, Peggy Cenova and the East Central Indiana Small Business Development Center is located at the Innovation Connector. They have been key to the planning and future growth of my business.”
Slusher feels the Innovation Connector is really a “hub.” “I get connected with many of my Innovation Connector neighbors whose services I may need from time-to-time,” he said.
Hi-End Live Video Streaming
These days, most of us have smartphones, and with a simple push of a button, we can stream our own videos live on Facebook. However, for some, the result is often jittery video, (perhaps even upside down video) with lower quality audio.
Slusher’s proficiency takes the technical capabilities of live-streaming to an entire other professional level. His videos can include titles, Powerpoint™ slides, and ancillary videos during his live video-streaming broadcasts. Plus, Slusher has the ability to password-protect and encrypt his streaming videos for private audiences around the globe.

Mark’s streaming set-up In Louisville Kentucky provided live streaming video solutions for on-site event attendees as well as streaming for viewers in China, Germany and other European locations. Photo by: Mark Slusher
For many corporations who need to do employee training or provide global communication to their teams, Slusher’s live streams are an economical method of communications. “On a corporate level, it is much, much less expensive to live stream information rather than flying people in from all over the country, especially when employees can often be located across the globe,” Slusher said.
Ironically, Slusher’s first client after moving to the Innovation Connector ended up being for another Innovation Connector business: The Shafer Leadership Academy. “I’m a graduate of several of their programs,” he said. “Endpoint Creative has produced a number of corporate videos for Shafer Leadership Academy and we have a great on-going relationship.”
By locating his business at the Innovation Connector, Slusher enjoys being able to work alongside like-minded people. He feels that being in a professional environment, surrounded by people who have the same goal—to build and grow their businesses— has been very beneficial to his business. “There’s a certain amount of inertia you get from working and connecting with people here,” he said.
Ted Baker, executive director of The Innovation Connector, said, “In addition to helping Mark grow his business, we help him learn how to network and recommend networking opportunities held here such as One Million Cups, the Community Business Connections group, the ECI Social Media Group, and various mixers. We want people like Mark to talk to each other—to connect with one another,” Ted said. “We offer many outlets to connect with others here at the Innovation Connector, and we can help you figure out which ones will most benefit you and your business.”
For more information on Endpoint Creative, please visit
For more information on the Innovation Connector’s services, contact Alexis Dishman at: or call 765.285.4900.